Script First Draft
the start of this sequence involves frequent transitions between Sam & Dylan
the first shot is an establishing shot of Sam's house fading from a black screen. this cuts to a close up from Sam's POV looking at a framed picture of his dad, there is a pause to try to signify his sad emotion of losing his dad. this includes a quick action shot of him following his normal routine of washing and walking down the stairs.
a sharp transition
to a medium shot of Dylans bed, which is a very stereotypical teenagers room. his alarm goes off and as a result of the alarm he roles over and slams the alarm clock in somewhat iggorance, lack of responsability and drops his head back down to the pillow. this scene is important because it is the first impression that Dylan gives to the audience so it is important they already begin to understand his character
the next shot is sam waking up his younger sybling and his mum this is viewed from an over the shoulder shot and him opening the curtain in their rooms. again because we want the audience begin to understand the personality of these two protagonatists. in contrast to the ina responsable aactions of dylan slamming his alarm clock sam is the one waking his family up which shows the mature attitude of sam.
sam finishes getting ready, laying the breakfast table for his sister and mum, he has a quick check in the mirror and leaves his house.
meanwhile the next transition is back to dyaln, he is still laying in bed. this shot is very important and will be difficult to execute to because we want the shot to include the alarm clock and allow the audience to see the time. this is so they know that dylan iggorance has lead him to be late for picking sam up for school
on the other hand to this laziness that dylan demonsrates sam is shot waiting for dylan to pick him and shows his frusatration that he is late. even though sam has gpt ready himself and manage to wake his mum and sister while laying the table for them yet, dylan himself hasn't even got out of bed. i want the audience begin to see the diffierent personalities.
the shot carrys on between sams frustration waiting at the side of the road constantly looking at his watch. yet dylan finally wakes up and realising that he has over slept, with the realistion of his clumpiness of being late. he jumps out of bed with his creased shirt still on from the night before, he hops out the front door trying to put his leg through his trousers, he jumps into his car literally. wheel spinning off with his tyres squeeling.
still frustrated about still waiting for his lift from dylan he takes a glance to his right and sees dylans recklessly drively around the corner with his music playing at a level that would disturb the whole street, the two of them engage into a conversation with sam having a go at dylan for being so late.they both speed off in the car.
they pull up in the car with dylan 'curbing' his wheel they both step out of the car and start a conversation with a group of there peers who are waiting outside on the side of the street opposite their school. they both start smoking and laughing with their friends, as they are about to enter the school as the bell is alarmed, a group of there friends from another school driving pass shouting they should come to a party that is being organised they agree and enter the school.
sam, dylan and a few are getting ready for the party that they have been invited to, there is a medium shot of the three characters. there is an over an shoulder shot of sam styling his hair, there is also a pan of the lads joking around and having an alholic bervarage.
this then leads to the friends maoning at dylan for taking too much time getting ready. they finally see him stumble down the stairs saying goodbye to dylans mum
they arrive at the party laughing and joking where they are greeted by their friends and start drinking. the evening progress' when a group of the boys separate themselves from the party which includes sam and dylan. a couple of the mates reach for their pockets and present some drugs they had brought with them, there will be an extreme close up of the drugs so it will allow the audience to have a clear view of the items. one of the male characters in the group offers the drugs around, there is little pressure to accept this offer on behalf of dylan and sam, yet dylan believes that if he accepts the drugs he feels he would be more accepted within the group. however, sam doesn't believe this thought and declines the offer and carrys on smoking due to the experience he has had with drugs and his father.
the boys merge back into the group and carry on socialising with there peers. dylan starts to feel the effect of drugs and his mood is very upbeat and excited, he is telling jokes and has a lot of attention from his friends as they are finding him hilarious. sam is joining in at the pair of them have got people in orr of them.
the both have a memorable night and jump in with some friends who give them a lift home to dylans house where they both stay the night.
sam wakes up the next morning and leaves dylans house early as he has to take his sister to horse riding where attends every saturday, he leaves dylan in a complete mess.
dylan phones up sam the later on that evening to dicuss the events that happen the night before and they are laughing and joking. dyaln mentions how bad of a head ache he is nursing yet describes it worthwhile because of the night he had and wants to do the drugs again, sam replies in a negative manner saying i would never do that and warns dylan that he should think about the possible consquences about doing it again.
the weekend comes to close and its monday morning at school, everyone is in an energnic manner becasue everyone had a good time at the party on friday. there is a lot of attention on dylan because of how funny he was and th company that he was displaying by making jokes and being everyines best friend. during the week thy are both handed an asssignment to complete for the following the week, sam gets really worried about because he struggles with he academic ability. yet dylan on the other hand laughs and thinks he will do all the night before and pass with flying colours, sam si's away in jealously knowing that he can work as hard as he wants and still wont get a better grade than dylan.
the week ends and sam recieves a text to see if him and dylan want to go to another house party that their friend has invited him to. its a smaller party more like a gathering with some food and drink available. the night is a lot more low key then the week before and dylan is getting very bored and ageitated by the comments that some of his peers are makeing that is very boring also. dylan thinks back to last week and remembers the drugs he took made him more socialble and funny, he texts one of his mates if he can get hold of any drugs that he could have. his mate texts him back (extreme close up of the mobile phone) and tells him to meet him in five minutes outside his the house they that are at. dylan recieves the drugs and enters back inside the house where sam and the other friends are sitting. dylan starts to make jokes and makes everyone laugh which he enjoys himself immensly.